
‘Pharmageddon’ could close pharmacies as protest spreads

‘Pharmageddon’ is a term used to describe the threat of an impending crisis in the pharmaceutical industry as a result of changes in regulations and economic conditions. In some parts of the world, pharmacies are already closing due to a number of issues, such as plummeting profits, slashed insurance reimbursements, and a rapid shift towards digital healthcare services. These factors have sparked protests, as people worry about the potential closure of their local pharmacies and the effect this may have on their access to medication. In India, for example, the All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists has organized several protests in response to changes in taxation and drug pricing regulations. Pharmacists in the state of Gujarat went on strike for a day in November 2019, disrupting the supply of medicines for tens of thousands of customers. As governments and healthcare systems continue to grapple with the difficult task of balancing the needs of both patients and pharmacies, these protests are likely to continue.

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