Rep. John Katko (R-NY): “I’m resolving to continue working every day to ensure the safety and prosperity of my constituents. That means strengthening our military, fighting for lower taxes, supporting local economies, and standing up for our families and our values.”
Rep. Nanette Barragán (D-CA): “My New Year’s resolution is to protect our immigrant families, defend the legal rights of our Dreamers, and fight to reunify families who have been separated through policies of fear and hate. All of us have the right to safety, security, and the chance to pursue the American dream.”
Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI): “I’m resolving to fight for policies that raise the wages and create economic security for working class families in Wisconsin and across the country. We must ensure all Americans have access to the benefits of our growing economy by promoting jobs with living wages, healthy working conditions, strong unions, and safe workplaces.”
Rep. Rob Woodall (R-GA): “My New Year’s resolution is to stand for the Constitution and the rights it protects. I will work to restore the Rule of Law, limit the size and reach of government, and defend our nation’s unity and national security. I will also work to ensure fiscal stability and freedom from tyranny and oppression for future generations of Americans.”