
Chris Christie pushes back on calls to drop out of the race, takes aim at Trump in first major ad blitz

Christie is pushing back on the calls that he should drop out of the race for the Republican nomination for president. He has released a series of television and radio ads that target his Republican opponents and Donald Trump.

The ads attribute claims to various sources, including Politifact and the Washington Post Fact-Checker, that no other candidate has a better record on issues like taxes, job growth, and welfare reform than Christie. He also says that Donald Trump’s stance on immigration is “just plain wrong”.

In addition to the ads, Christie has stepped up his campaign appearances in recent weeks, visiting specific states in an effort to raise his approval rating and draw support. He has also been more vocal in his criticism of Trump’s proposals, saying he doesn’t believe Trump understands the problems facing the nation.

It remains to be seen if Christie’s effort will move the needle in his favor, but it appears to be a sign that he is intent on staying in the race. If he can generate more momentum, he could potentially be a viable candidate in the Republican field.

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